Get the Transcript for a Podcast

We're starting to get some transcripts on our website. You can use the search field on the main page of Ten Percent Happier or try this page: Ten Percent Happier Transcript Search.

iPhone and iPad

If you're using the Apple Podcast app, transcripts are now built into it. Using their Podcast transcripts you can read the full text of an episode, search the episode for a specific word or phrase, and tap the text to play from that point in the episode. As an episode plays, each word is highlighted, making it easy to follow along. Apple automatically generates transcripts after a new episode is published. The episode will be available for listening right away, and the transcript will be available shortly afterwards. According to Apple, there will be a short delay while we process your transcript. Transcripts are available with iOS 17.4 or higher so if you don't see it available, try updating your iOS.

If there's anything else we can do to help please email us at